Legal counselling across the globe

As your company grows and your strategy evolves, you sometimes need legal expertise. Expertise that is not always instantly available. Of course, you can devote time and means to build up a legal function. But this is not always feasible, nor will it help you to address pressing legal matters. That is where EMPIQ comes in. Our in-house legal counsel provides you with legal expertise on the dot. In any area you can think of.

Our way of working

Your dedicated EMPIQ in-house legal counsel is attached to your team. Backed by the other EMPIQ specialists, he or she will help you to navigate legal issues and support your strategies for growth. For the short term, or for the long haul. Fully supported by the EMPIQ team and its extensive legal expertise. Fully scalable and flexible, to reflect your changing requirements. And should you no longer require our services, our team is just as easily disassembled. Ready to resume work for you, but with no incurred costs until that time.